Test: Cookies

The test

The sole purpose of this page is to test whether your browser will send back cookies the server sent to your browser.

When you loaded this page in your browser, the server sent you cookies.

When the page is reloaded in your browser, the server will normally get back the cookies it previously sent you. See the results below.

Cookies sent to the server by your browser

If no cookies are reported above after forcing a reload, your browser is doing a good job at preventing cookies from reaching the remote server (the cookies might be present in your browser, but they are not sent to this server.) It's a very good thing if you have full control of your cookies.

Cookie sent to your browser by the server

If cookies are blocked, notice how the server generates a new id each time the page reload. On the other hand, if the server is being returned the cookies it previously put in your browser, it will know that you have been visiting the server before.


Created by on December, 12, 2013 by the author of HTTP Switchboard , an open source blocker for Chromium and other Chromium-based browsers. The point is to help you check if the blocker of your choice does what it claims to be doing.